Just as we are all special, unique individuals, the grills we use and love also have distinct personalities. Some are quiet and unassuming—hello, portable Weber—while others are a little, uh, flamboyant. If you like your grills loud, proud, and totally pimped out, these are the babies for you. Here, the eight most over-the-top grills for all your barbecuing needs (and more).
1. 54" grill from Lynx
This 54" grill from Lynx comes equipped with a 1,555-square-inch cooking surface, dual halogen surface lights, "control illumination with blue LEDs," and ceramic briquettes. Oh, and a fluid rotation handle, because how can it not?
It'll set you back: $8,299
You need it if: You know what a fluid rotation handle is and does.
2. Bull Outdoor Gourmet-Q Grilling Island w/Built-In Grill
Says Woodland Direct, "The Bull Outdoor Gourmet-Q Grilling Island w/Built-In Grill attracts attention!" In addition to being a mouthful, it sure does! This baby boasts a stainless-steel sink (with faucet!) two storage units and a fridge…in addition to actually having a grill. Plus, it has 45.62 square feet of workspace.
It'll set you back: $6,549
You need it if: 45 square feet of workspace is just not enough.
3. TEC 4-Burner Infra-Red Cabinet Grill with Integrated Countertop
If you aren't a serious griller, a lot of the terminology behind this TEC 4-Burner Infra-Red Cabinet Grill with Integrated Countertop will confuse you. But apparently the "100%" infrared technology means there's "no hot air to dry out food." The drawers are "full depth" and "full suspension." The "radiant glass panels" are "virtually flare proof" (virtually?), and (and)there is "advanced charcoal flavor."
It'll set you back: $7,559.10
You need it if: You understood any of the above words.
4. Fire Magic Echelon Diamond E1060
The Fire Magic (real name, not making it up) Echelon Diamond E1060s is one badass grill. It has 200,000 BTU output, which pretty much translates to really freakin' hot. It includes, according to seller hayneedle.com, "stainless steel grill head, burners, cart; everything!" Everything, by the way, includes heat zone separators, a smoker, a "featherlight" steel hood, and a removable rotisserie.
It'll set you back: $11,897.45 to $12,913.20 (roughly)
You need it if: A smoked pork shoulder, roasted chicken, steak, and kebabs are merely appetizers.
5. K1000HS Hybrid Fire ![K1000HS Hybrid Fire grill]()
What is there to say about the K1000HS Hybrid Fire grill that the artisan stone wall and wood-paneled deck in its product shot doesn't say already? "This grill is absurdly expensive"? "You can fit whole logs inside the smoker compartment"? It has four "cast brass primary burners"? There's a "flip up warming rack"?
It'll set you back: $21,195
You need it if: The idea of "intense, searing heat in excess of 1,000ºF excites you.
6. Summit® Grill Center
Can't tell you how many times we've been barbecuing and thought, "Man, no one ever wants to hang out around our grill. If only this grill had a designated social area!" Well it seems that Weber has read into our deepest desires, because they have created the Summit® Grill Center with right (or left!)-hand social area. A social area, by the way, is a little counter that juts out from the grilling center. There's a flat surface for your drinks?
It'll set you back: "Find a dealer"
You need it if: You're a die-hard devotee of the classic grill brand.
7. Discovery 52"
The Discovery 52" from Dacor is on the more modest end of the luxury grill—if you're talking price, that is. But, as evidenced by the product photo here, the Discovery is no stranger to lobster, steak, and French baguettes, so don't discount this underdog! There are two 16" side burners, a rotisserie motor and a removable smoker tray—plus "Temperature Gauge High-Quality 18 Gauge 304 Stainless Steel Construction," whatever that is.
It'll set you back: $5,459
You need it if: You see the value in a sear burner option, or want to know what it actually means to have one.
8. Big Sur Gourmet Grill with Optional Small Beverage Center
Here's what we have to say about the Big Sur Gourmet Grill with Optional Small Beverage Center from AEI: "Moon Rok" ceramic rocks. "Vari Grid" cooking system. "Sure Start" ignition…"Why?" you ask? Well, why not?
It'll cost you: "Contact us"
You need it if: You're wooed by industry lingo.
The Weber One-Touch® Silver 18.5"
And now, for a palate cleanser: The Weber One-Touch® Silver 18.5": Charcoal, small, simple. Pleasantly efficient at its main task: Cooking food.
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